Progress so far

Day 1

Week 12 about 50 % Complete
(Present - After 5 trays, 4 more trays to go)

As you can see when I first started Invisalign I had have a large gap on the top middle, and the bottom has one tooth that pushed back a bit due to overcrowding caused when my wisdom teeth attempted to come in years ago, since then I have had my wisdom teeth removed because they were impacted.

As you can see, in just a few weeks (12 weeks) there has been a noticeable change. The gap is closing and though it is hard to see in photos my bottom tooth is slowly moving forward again.

It's been exciting to compare the photos I have been taking and actually seeing a change and difference in each photo.

The hardest part was the beginning, because it was new and I was a bit scared. I knew that it was a process that I had the ultimate control over. I was handed over the trays and now it was my duty to make this happen. So, its a big responsibility to yourself. If you are ready for the responsibility then you won't have any problem.

It been easy, so I wish I had done this sooner. 

Seeing the results and knowing that I am approaching the finishing line is a great feeling!

Week 11 and 12

Week 11

Week 12

In the next week I am going to start my 6th tray. Afterwards, I only have 4 more trays to complete! It's very exciting.

I have gotten used the entire process. Wearing them doesn't bother me at all. I haven't told anyone I am wearing them, and I strongly don't think anyone has noticed that they are in. I prefer wearing them over seeing my regular teeth, because when they are on, it looks like my teeth are all aligned.

The only part that can be a little overwhelming is when I am out eating or going to an event, I take them off right before I go in if I know I will be eating and then I have to remember to put them back in right away.

There has been a few, very few, times in which I am not able to put them back in right away. I want to wash them and floss and brush my teeth before I put them in, but there has been occasions in which I have no choice, but to rinse with only water and put them in, or I run the risk of not wearing them for a few hours. This has happened and when I put the tray back in I can tell that there is some pressure.

I no longer drink coffee (I wasn't much of a coffee drinker, tea, any colored beverages, I only drink water because it is the only beverage I can drink with my tray in. This can be a positive, but I can imagine someone who loves drinking coffee that this could be hard.

In my next post I am going to show the progress from Photo 1 to now and show you how much has changed and review some of the things I have encountered so far.