Week 4 and Week 5

 Week 4
Week 5

The past two weeks have breezed by. Wearing my guards have become almost normal. Sometimes I don't remember I have them in, except when I am reminded about a snack. I don't snack anymore. Before I would snack at work, a few peanuts or a granola bar, I would snack before dinner, and then snack on a little something after dinner.

But now I only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner/dessert. I floss and brush right after each meal and then my trays stay in.

You probably have heard by now in your research about the "invisalign diet" and well, I have lost quite a few pounds. I can't say it's definitely because of my invisalign trays, because I coincidentally also started eating much healthier around the same time. But I do think it has contributed. I can no longer snack anytime I want. Running errands no longer equal also stopping by starbucks to grab a shaken iced tea lemonade and coffee cake to eat while running errands. I no longer have the luxury to grab a piece of cake at the office party or when someone decides to bring in some muffins. I stay clear for two mains reasons: 1.  Because I really don't want to take them off, brush my teeth, floss, and clean my trays again. 2. I know that they longer they are in, the better and quicker the results.

I have been losing a few pounds every few weeks. I might be lost about 10 so far since wearing my invisalign trays.

Has anyone else seen weight loss?

Third Week

Week 3

I can't believe it's time to put in the second of ten trays in. I am 10% done. After the three weeks I started getting very used to my trays and I am worried that the third tray is going to be painful again, hopefully it is nothing like the first time I put them in on day one.

Update - The first night it was back to it being sore, by the second day, I was already used to the second tray. But the pain was nothing like the first time.

Second Week

Week 2

 I am finished with the second week! Here is an image of my teeth at the end of week 2.

I can't believe I am starting my third week, after this week I get to put my second aligner in, which I am excited and a little nervous about because I wonder if the pain will be the same as when I first put tray 1 in.

The second week of wearing them was much better, I have become a pro at taking them off and putting them back on. During this second week I do not have any pain, only when I eat are my teeth sensitive, I still can't have any bread or hard food. I tried eating chicken, and that bothered my teeth, so I have been eating mashpotatoes and soft meat, like salmon.

I do have some discomfort wearing them sometimes, and I think its because my bite is changing slowly. When I used to bite, my upper teeth would come out a bit more then the bottom, but when I softly bite down wearing the aligners, they bite down perfectly straigh and on top of each other.

Every time I take my alingers off I clean them before putting them back in. I am still cleaning them with a soft bristle tooth brush. I think it's important to brush the inside and outside of them and rinse them with water. I noticed if you do not clean the inside and outside of them a small grime build up occurs.