Finished Invisalign

This post is a long time coming, but finally came around to finally post this.

As an update - I am 100% done with invisalign. That feels good to say.

On my last day they gave me some teeth whitening gels and indicated that I would be receiving some new trays, 4 of them, that I would be wearing for another 4 years. One for each year. For the first 3-4 months I would need to wear them all day again and then afterwards I can just wear them at night.

The retainers look just like the clear trays, even more clearer.

I am finished with the 3-4 months of wearing the tray "retainers" all day and now just wear them at night. I never miss a  night, but did once by accident, and the next day when I put the retainers on I could feel a little tightness when I put them on.

Even though I am "finished, the dentist indicated that everyone still has to wear the retainers. In 4 years they should be all set, but I think I will have to wear them always. I have a friend who had braces when he was a teenager, and he is now in his 30's and still wears a clear retainer tray at night, if he doesn't in a few days or weeks a tiny gap appears between his teeth.

In regards to the teeth whitening, I noticed when wearing my trays my teeth did get stained.

I have tried the teeth whitening, the syringe is filled with a clear gel and you place a drop of the gel on the clear retainer trays and leave it on for about 2 hours. I noticed a difference right away, but I stopped using it after a while because I didn't like the way it tasted, my teeth are sensitive, and sometimes my gums would have a burning sensation.

I asked my dentist, who offers in-office teeth bleaching, but one of the first things he told me was not to expect my teeth to be be bright white. He said there are different shades of teeth color, some more of a yellow tint and some with a natural blue tint, those with a blue tint have a better success rate with the in-office bleaching, while the yellow tint don't. He seemed to more dissuade me from doing it.

So, I am on the hunt for a safer and easier whitening method. I will be sure to share with you as soon as I find a great option.