Completed invisalign...almost

I finished invisalign! All the trays are complete and my teeth are all together and straight. I never thought I would ever see my teeth look like this. It's unbelievable.

So much has changed. I notice I smile more and I am able to talk without feeling subconscious.

So, on my last appointment my dentist added a little bit of bonding to both of my front top teeth. It was a small amount and that closed the small gap triangle gab I had left after invisalign. The tray should have closed the gap entirely, however, he asked that I do not put on the last tray, as he said that the way my teeth naturally grew in as a child makes a small triangle gap. So he wanted enough room to add bonding to close the triangle gap entirely.

He also added a little length to them because my teeth were more square, the width and height were almost identical in size and he indicated that most smiles have little more length. So he added a little more bonding to the bottom of the two front teeth and shaped the bonding. 

I thought they were too long. I felt like a bunny. He asked me to give it a few weeks to see if I liked it. All the other assistants and dentists agreed that they looked great with a little more length.

They indicated that they could add a little more bonding to the two teeth next to the two front teeth and make those two a little longer, and that would not make the two front teeth look as long. But I stuck to my guns and said no, that I want to keep my teeth as natural as possible, so no added bonding to any thing but the small triangle gap.

**Update: After a few weeks I decided that they are too long and I made an appointment so that they can removing the bonding on the bottom of the two top teeth and make them a little shorter like they were before. I will be posting the final photo of my teeth soon.

Final week

This is the final week. As you noticed the two front teeth are not completely closed. My dentist asked me not to put in the final tray. As you can see with the shape of my two front teeth the top of the tooth is wider than the bottom and he thinks the final tray will make the tiny opening even smaller, but will not completely close it, so he would rather use a little bonding, and bonding will be easier to be put on with a wider gab. Bonding worries me a little. The reason why I wanted to do invisalign and not caps like other dentists recommended was because I wanted my teeth to as natural as possible and I don't want my teeth to be reshaped because of capping. I did quite a bit of research on bonding and it's just applied on the surface and does not require my teeth to be reshaped. 

The bottom tooth is completely fixed. Above is how it looks now and below is how the bottom tooth looked. It was pushed back due to my wisdom teeth coming in and then my bottom teeth overcrowded. I am so happy that it was fixed. Originally, I didn't think the bottom was a problem and even told the dentist that I just wanted the top fixed only, but he explained a few things; including how I needed to do the top and bottom for the bite.