Week 6 - Third Tray

This week I started my third Tray. Originally, when I started six weeks ago, my Dr. gave me two trays. I had to wear tray one for three weeks and tray two for three weeks. Now we are at six weeks and I had a visit with him on exactly six weeks. At the visit he checked my progress, and said I was doing excellent.

As you know I am wearing my trays about 22 hours a day. 

I like to think I am the model invisalign wearer, but I can't say I am all the time. There has been a few times in which I will eat dinner, and then completely forget to put them back in, and will remember thirty minutes later. 

He also noticed that the bottom tooth that was pushed back, we are working on pushing it back to the front with the tray, needed a little room to move up. So he used the sanded floss again to floss in between a few teeth in the bottom, so the tooth can slowly move up. The floss doesn't hurt at all.

Because of my progress, he has decided to give me three trays, so I don't have to come back for a check up until nine more weeks.

Here is to the start of the third tray! I was told this is when I would start really seeing some changes.

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